The main fields of research in which Prof. Tiziano Testori is involved are:
Development and research of maxillary sinus surgery techniques regenerative surgery.
Aesthetic implantology.
Immediate loading.
Digital dentistry and research protocol development.
Minimally invasive implant surgery
Use of growth factors in implant surgery.

Author of 167 peer-reviewed publications indexed in Pub Med
h-index 45 generated by Scopus
h-index 103 generated by Google Scholar
Expert in Sinus Floor Augmentation University of Michigan – ExpertScape
La chirurgia del seno mascellare e le alternative terapeutiche
Maxillary sinus surgery and alternatives in treatment
“Sinus Surgery and Therapeutic Alternatives” documents in detail the clinical experience and research efforts of our clinical research group that examines sinus elevation from every possible angle. Through the many multidisciplinary contributions, surgical procedures are presented with the support of expertise from the basic sciences and other medical specializations. No aspect related to sinus surgery has been neglected. The endoscopic, radiologic, anesthesiologic, and conscious sedation techniques are presented in the form of operative protocols. The rationale and specific clinical indications for each graft material are explained, along with relevant histologic data. Both traditional and more innovative techniques of sinus surgery are also thoroughly discussed, along with the supporting clinical criteria. Chapters on therapeutic alternatives, piezoelectric surgery, and the application of the use of platelet concentrates in sinus surgery are particularly innovative.
Il carico immediato. La nuova era dell’implantologia orale
Immediate loading. A new era in oral implantology
Among the innovative procedures that have marked an important qualitative step forward from the original implant protocols, immediate loading stands out for its relevance in routine clinical applications. The evolution of the immediate loading protocol represents the most significant example of how and how much implant therapy in recent years has been influenced, guided and transformed by new concepts of biology and biomechanics pertaining to other branches of science. Immediate loading in totally edentulous patients or with residual dentition, today offers unquestionable psychological and social advantages and increases operative efficiency by reducing operating times and minimizing surgical invasiveness.
Implantologia. Tecniche implantari mininvasive ed innovative
In this book you will find a didactic path that evaluates in a rational and consequential way the most important risk factors in implant therapy combined with a modern diagnostic and design phase with the aim of improving the care of patients who entrust us with their health.
The evolution in the implant field has determined a growing attention of the operators to develop more and more sophisticated operative skills with the aim of solving increasingly difficult clinical situations. However, in this exponential growth of knowledge and operative techniques, the operator is always focused on pure technique without a careful evaluation of the healing mechanisms.
Therefore, the central part of the book analyzes not only the innovative minimally invasive surgical procedures aimed at increasing the post-operative comfort of the patient but also the strictly biological aspects that influence the clinical outcome.
In the third part of the work the emphasis was placed on the correct protocols for implant maintenance, our decennial experience and the literature have taught us that this phase is the basis for the long-term success of our implant rehabilitations.
In the last chapter, which deals with medical-legal aspects, useful recommendations are made on how to reduce litigation with patients, which is reaching critical levels.
Following the philosophy of our implant group we wanted to develop a book that will be useful to those who are approaching implant surgery for the first time and to experienced operators who want to deepen some basic aspects of modern implantology.
Imaging, 3D e odontoiatria: dalla cefalometria multiplanare alla navigazione guidata in implantologia
3D imaging in dentistry from multiplanar cephalometry to virtual implant surgery planning
3D digital radiology has provided the possibility to diagnose and plan therapeutic treatments in odontostomatology and maxillofacial surgery with a higher awareness and accuracy than traditional two-dimensional radiology. The use of the third dimension and the possibility of creating a volumetric reconstruction of the skeletal area under investigation, has opened new frontiers not only diagnostic and therapeutic, but also educational, allowing to simulate on the computer stages of the future surgical intervention. The text aims to provide the basic information of volumetric radiology, an indispensable factor for a proper use that must be done in a rational way following precise protocols acknowledged at an international level. In the various chapters the indications for the prescription of three-dimensional examinations are illustrated and the multiple information coming from a correct manipulation of the images are explained. All the dental fields in which the CBCT examination can be used, from orthodontics to implantology, from periodontics to endodontics and the pathology of the temporomandibular joint, are covered in a clear and synthetic way to provide the reader with useful indications for clinical activity. Particular attention has been paid to the quality of the images with the intent to reproduce as faithfully as possible the resolution of the radiological image that is obtained using software dedicated to the processing of DICOM files. This aspect is important because the reader can understand how the use of DICOM files is closely related to the use of technical means of processing ranging from simple viewers to more complex software. DICOM files are used to process images that are used for therapeutic designs as in three-dimensional cephalometry, in the design of osteotomy interventions and in the field of guided surgery in implantology. A large part of the text is dedicated to cephalometric diagnostics where a new approach for anthropometric analysis and aesthetic analysis is illustrated. The use of 3D cephalometry is made possible by the detailed anatomical knowledge that images from three-dimensional radiological scans provide. The text is correlated with an anatomical radiological atlas with detailed points at bone and soft tissue level used for the construction of a cephalometric project. Considerable space is devoted to the anatomical study of the airways for clinical purposes: a part is descriptive of the structure of the maxillary sinus and its correlations with clinical surgery associated with it. A large chapter is dedicated to implant design and guided surgery: topics of great clinical interest. The editorial project of the book combines the objectives of a textbook for students and a valid tool for updating the professional with clinical experience. We hope that this book can be a valuable didactic support that will help clinicians improve the care of patients entrusting their oral health to us.
Implant Therapy – Clinical Approaches and Evidence of Success
Nevins Myron, Wang Hom-Lay
- Chapter 12 – “Immediate loading of implants in edentulous and partially dentate patients”
(Testori T, Galli F, Scaini R, Deflorian M, Parenti A, Wang H-L, Del Fabbro M) - Chapter 13 – “Sinus elevation in the posterior maxilla via the lateral window approach” (Wallace SS, Testori T)
- Chapter 14 – “Maxillary Transcrestal Sinus Floor Elevation Procedures”
(Wang H-L, Decker A, Testori T)
The sinus bone graft
Ole T. Jensen
- Chapter 6 – “Lateral window surgical techniques for sinus elevation”
(Testori T, Scaini R, Deflorian M, Wallace SS, Tarnow DP) - Chapter 8 – “Intraoperative complications with the lateral window techniques”
(Wallace SS, Tarnow DP,Testori T) - Chapter 13 – “Trans Sinus implants” (Testori T, Rosano G, Lozza A, Wallace SS)
Dental implant Complications. Etiology, Prevention and Treatment
Stuart J. Froum
- Chapter 19 – “Complications in lateral window sinus elevation surgery” (Wallace SS, Testori T)
Testo atlante di Parodontologia e Terapia implantare SIDP
Atlas of Periodontology and Implant therapy SIDP
Carrassi A, Cortellini P, Trombelli L
- Capitolo 30 – “Tecniche di elevazione del seno mascellare” (Testori T, Zuffetti F, Parenti A, Mantovani M)
- Chapter 30 – “Sinus elevation techniques” (Testori T, Zuffetti F, Parenti A, Mantovani M)
Ritrattamenti. Soluzioni per le patologie periapicali di origine endodontica
Retreatments. Solutions for periapical diseases of endodontic origin
Pio Bertani, Massimo Galliani, Fabio Gorni
- Capitolo 10 – “Dente o impianto: criteri per risolvere il dilemma. Indicazioni cliniche e procedure operative l’inserimento dell’impianto postestrattivo” (Testori T, Deflorian M, Scaini R, Taschieri S, Del Fabbro M)
- Chapter 10 – “Tooth or implant: criteria for solving the dilemma. Clinical indications and operating procedures for post-extraction implant placement” (Testori T, Deflorian M, Scaini R, Taschieri S, Del Fabbro M)
Il successo in implantologia: diagnosi, piano di trattamento e protocolli operativi SIO
Romeo Eugenio, Luongo Giuseppe, Storelli Stefano, Guida Luigi, Parpaiola Andrea, Vaia Enzo
- Capitolo 8 – “Trattamento delle edentulie totali: protocolli diagnostici e clinici” (Testori T, Parenti A, Perrotti G, Capelli M, Galli F)
Manuale di chirurgia orale SICOI
Barone Antonio, Bianchi Andrea Edoardo
- Capitolo 2 – “Principi biologici dei processi di guarigione” (Del Fabbro M, Testori T, Taschieri S, Capelli M)
- Capitolo 16 – “Chirurgia ossea rigenerativa” (Barone A, Mangano C, Testori T, Parenti A)
- Capitolo 18 – “Patologia odontogena del seno mascellare” (Testori T, Pignataro L, Mantovani M, Torretta S, Galli F, Zuffetti F, Parenti A, Capelli M, Fumagalli L)
More than 300 articles published in journals of international interest
Author of 147 scientific articles published on PubMed.